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Helpful Forms for EMDR Consultation after you have completed EMDR Basic Training

These are forms may be helpful for you to organize your information for ongoing EMDR Consultation


Most of the forms include a PDF document choice.  You will need Adobe Reader to open them.

You can download a free version of the Adobe Reader by clicking here.

Please note:  Make sure to uncheck the two boxes in the Optional Offers section so you only download the reader.


The Microsoft Word documents allow you to fill in your client's information.  You will need Microsoft Word to open and use them.  When you open the document make sure to click on Enable Editing at the top of the page.


Click the buttons below to download them and make copies to use with each client.
Make sure to scroll down and download all 6 forms.
Dark Ocean
Psychosocial History 


This is a comprehensive psychosocial history that will give you very detailed information to help you identify what kind of master treatment plan you will be developing for your client and what issues need to be addressed prior to developing EMDR treatment plans and reprocessing memory targets.











Master Treatment Plan


This is a form you can use to identify the Presenting Complaints you have identified during your history and psycho-social intake.

You probably already have your own treatment plan form.  You are welcome to use your form and present it instead of using this one if you prefer.


Make sure you mask your client's name and just use some designation that will work for consultation.











Reprocessing Plan


This form allows you to use a more consolidated and easier to follow EMDR treatment plan.  There are some instructions on the form and you can use the instructions in your manual for each section as well.











Skills Checklist


This form is the same as what is in your manual.  It allows you to keep track of what components of EMDR therapy you are doing well and which ones you are still developing.






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