VSee Messenger

We will use the VSee Messenger to share documents and for private, confidential communication between sessions.
To participate in Telehealth, you must be technically savvy enough to use the platforms.
VSee Messenger
VSee is a HIPPA compliant messenger chat that provides secure document sharing
for the initial required Intake. And, for any future documents needed. We will also
use it for confidential communication between sessions.
I receive an email notification when you message me or drop a document into the
VSee chat. For a quicker response it is a good idea to do a regular text to notify
me there is a message for me in VSee. Sometimes I am unable to check email if I
am in sessions throughout the day. I will see the text quicker.
If you are requesting an insurance billing form to submit to your insurance, the
VSee Messenger Chat will allow me to get those forms to you between sesisons.
Make sure to sign out of VSee after each appointment so anything in the chat box
remains private on your end.
Downloading VSee
You will have to download the VSee Client to your computer or tablet. All of the instructions to join my network are below. There are also links to their site where you can read the instructions of how to set up the program.
Make sure you download the program and join my network before we meet. This
will prevent you from using your therapy time for technical help.
Download Instructions
Accept my Invitation & Downlod the VSee App https://my.vsee.com/s/5dc60129374d
Log Into VSee Messenger https://help.vsee.com/kb/articles/log-in-vsee-messenger
You can upload the Intake form into the VSee chat box prior to our first meeting.
If you encounter a problem signing into VSee.
VSee makes their messenger free but when the pandemic hit, they were
overwhelmed with people using it. When people tried to sign into the App
directly, they were getting messages to pay for the service. I do not know if they
are still doing so. As long as you are joining me there will be no charge.
If you get a message to pay use this link: https://my.vsee.com/s/5dc60129374da and sign in under Existing User on the right. VSee then knows you are in my network, and you get in for free.
​Zoom for Therapy Sessions​
We will use Zoom for our regularly scheduled meetings. Here is the link to download the PDF instructions to set up Zoom, which includes the link to join the sessions.
I recommend that you put the Link, Meeting ID & Passcode to join the therapy sessions in your calendar where your appointment is scheduled. Then it will always be available.​
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